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The right lighting can make all the difference. A retail environment can be transformed from mundane to inspired. Office spaces can benefit from the enhanced productivity that quality, comfortable lighting provides. The problem is that with so many options and price points, finding the best lighting products for your business can be challenging. This can make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed and leave you wondering if you made the best choice for your business. Getting the right lighting products shouldn’t be difficult. FSG helps you find the lighting products you’re looking for and then ships those products wherever you need them!

Update your facility’s lamps and fixtures to new technology that delivers high-efficiency performance with improved lighting quality.  FSG can help you build a retrofit project that saves and delivers.

The amount of free money out there for businesses to use to upgrade their lighting to LED is incredible.  FSG knows where to rebates are and can help your business find out if there are rebates available in your area to make the project more affordable.

UV Product Information
Maxlite Promo Flyer

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Supplier Information


224 Washington Street
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Fred Kondash
Program Manager
855-642-1109 x1
Email Fred

Barbara Novak
Customer Service
855-642-1109 x1
Email Barbara

Jennifer Mercer
Facility Solutions Group
National & Group COOP Purchasing Manager
Cell: 410-375-4914
Email Jennifer

Chris Anastasi
Facility Solutions Group
Sales Manager
Cell: 914-482-4442
Email Chris


Contract Information

Cooperative Name

Florida Buy State Cooperative Purchasing

Contract Name

AEPA 022-E LED Lighting

Contract Number


Lead Agency

Washington County Florida School District

Contract Term

02/15/2022 - 02/28/2026

Extension Details

Bid recommended for approval in December 2021. Contracts and extensions possible through February 2025.
